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Practical Mise-en-scene 30-60 second clip

 For my video i have chosen the scene 'Hit me' from fight club 60 seconds beginning from 5 seconds into the video clip and ending at 1:05 with the scene where the narrator is hunched up against the car

Costume: A leather jacket and summer button up shirt and sports trousers for the person acting out Tyler Durden while the narrator will wear a simple suit with no tie and one button at the top is undone 

Lighting: in favourable conditions, this scene would be produced at night but considering limitations i would have to consider doing a scene like this in the evening or as close to dark as possible at late evening such as 6pm or 7pm

Actor: Two actors one for Tyler and one for the Narrator, movements of Tyler are almost erratic and spontaneous lots of moving and hand gesturing while the narrator generally remains still and gestures every so often. 

N:hand gestures, placing down suitcase, looking around every so often

T: jumping up and down, placing bottles gesturing

Make-up: make up should not really be needed for this scene as no visible marks of injury or dirt can be seen on either character within the chosen 60 second scene

Props: The two bottles which can be repurposed from any store bought drink with the label removed and a briefcase which can be replaced with a folder if need be

Setting: in idle conditions it would be behind  a store with a car park in the back, however a compromise could be made to film this In front of a personal drive way that could still give of the aesthetic of having a building behind the two actors of which they have just left and would still preferably have a car to lean up against.

(It will be a 60 second clip):EVENTS 

1.The two characters speaking to each other

2.Placing the two bottles onto the floor

3.Tyler walks back over and the narrator places is suitcase down

4.Tyler jumps up and down

5.Tyler speaks then starts jumping again

6.Tyler points at the narrator to wait a second while he prepares himself and nods in approval for the narrator to come and punch him

7.At first acting hesitantly but then moves towards Tyler and the narrator hits him in Tyler's ear with his fist.

8.Tyler swears and tries to walk of his pain

9.Tyler then returns to the narrator and punches him in the stomach 

10.the narrator falls back and hunches against the car in pain

Notes: a camera man will be used for this shoot and the scenes that can be will be shot individually such as the bottles being placed down and other times the 2 characters might not appear on screen, another part of the scene that may be easier to produce in chunks rather than continuous would be after Tyler returns to the Narrator to hit him.

Camera cuts 12 times at:(in the movie scene)

0:07  0:08  0:11  0:13  0:15  0:22  

0:34  0:39  0:42  0:53  0:55  1:00

Backdoor car park of a bar, it is late at night



"why I don't know why, never been in a fight, you?"


 "No but that- that's a good thing"


 "no it is not, how much can you know about yourself 

if you've never been in a fight, 

I don't wanna die without any scars"

(cut to) Tyler placing the two bottles onto the floor


"just come on. hit me before I lose my nerve"


"Ah, God... this is crazy. I don't kno-"


"So go crazy. let 'er rip"

Tyler walks back over and the narrator places is suitcase down

Tyler then proceeds to jump up and down



"hey I don't know about this"


"i don't either but who give a shit? no ones watching. what do you care?"


"wait wha- this is crazy. you want me to hit you?"

Tyler then starts jumping again and stops then continuing with saying


"that's right"


"wha- like in the face?"


laughs/chuckles "surprise me"


(prepares himself for the punch, slightly paranoid as he looks around is surroundings)

"This is so fucking stupid"

Tyler points at the narrator to wait a second while he prepares himself and nods in approval for the narrator to come and punch him

At first acting hesitantly but then moves towards Tyler and the narrator hits him in Tyler's ear with his fist.

Tyler tries to walk of his pain


(Slight anger)

"Motherfucker... you hit me in the ear"


"well, Jesus, I'm sorry!"


"Ow, Christ! why the ear, man?"



"I fucked it up, kinda"


(Almost joyful tone)

"No, that was perfect."

Tyler then returns to the narrator and punches him in the stomach 


(Audible grunt of pain)

the narrator falls back and hunches against the car in pain

Shot list:

1.Slightly lowered shot of Tyler as speaks to the Narrator

2.Also lightly lowered the narrator is shown

3.wide shot of Tyler's and the narrator as Tyler's turns around pulling two bottles out

4.An angle at foot level the shows the bottles being placed with the bar in the background and only Tyler's hands are able to be seen

5.Panning shot as Tyler returns to the Narrator

6.Still camera frame of both characters as the narrator places down his briefcase

7. Cuts back to a angle sided facing frame of Tyler from just behind the narrator with his side in frame

8.Cuts to the narrator in a front facing view as he looks around a little

9.Cuts back again to Tyler and when he signals the camera goes to a full frame of both characters side profiles

10.As soon as Tyler is hit the camera pans towards him leaving the narrator out of the frame

11.Cuts back to the Narrator apologising pans with Tyler until he gets back to the narrator

13. Cuts to camera moving a little further out and both characters are in the frame 

14. After the narrator is hit the camera pans with him as he stumbles back

Post production:

After crating the two videos, of which the fight club scene is my original project and the pulp fiction being a scene i helped film, i have learnt the very basics of how to use and edit using adobe premiere pro and found that starting with the shorter 30 second clip of pulp fiction allowed me to edit and maybe curate my original project better and more ambitiously than i think i would have if i had not stated with it. Pulp fiction uses very simple editing technique and a cinematic black bar effect that i added on, which turned out to be a little rough on some of the angles and did not properly work at the start. 

while on the other hand, with fight club, i felt that i wanted to be a little more ambitious with this clip and so added the black bars from before while also adding sound effects (be it slightly brazen) and choosing to colour grade the scene in its traditional fight club colour scheme. There are a few parts within the video that i would change in retrospect, but being my first project i am happy to call it a success.

Fight Club

Credit to:

Rishi: Camera work

Cassius: Tyler Durden (Actor)

Pulp Fiction  (Originally Cassius' and Mo's idea)

Credit to:

Mo: Actor

Cassius: Actor


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