1) Find a film clip on YouTube that uses sound in an interesting way. Analyse the use of sound, making sure you use the key language we have learned about sound in film:
- Diegetic and non-diegetic sound
- Parallel and contrapuntal sound
- Sound bridges
Remember to discuss/analyse all the different types of sound present in the clip:
- Music
- Dialogue
- Voice over
- Sound effects
Fallout 3 teaser trailer (2007)
(Although not necessarily a film clip I do think it exemplifies the uses of the key aspects of sound)
Within this 2 minute clip there is use of diegetic and non-diegetic sound as at the very beginning the sound of the radio seems as if it is not coming just from the radio but is a product of post production, however as the camera zooms out the radios song becomes diegetic as it goes quieter as the camera moves away informing us that it is diegetic and comes from the world and therefore any character within this world can hear it. I believe that the sound bridge would be when the radio becomes so quiet that the surrounding wind overshadows the music and is drowned out.
The music itself can be seen (heard) as contrapuntal as its connotations of earnest love are contrasted by a decaying and barren city landscape in the back as the radio itself is place within a completely ruined bus however one might also suggest that this can be parallel to the setting as the song references setting the world on fire as if intentionally making a comment on the wasteland that is featured in the clip so although melodically its quite romantic and loving, the lyrics themselves create this use of contrapuntal sound.
Also the voice over used a little after the scene fades out of "war never changes" could be an example of non-diegetic sound as we can assume that the person heavily clad in some futuristic armour is the one thinking this as we can not explicitly see anyone else who they might be addressing therefor we can make the assumption that they are in fact thinking this within their head.
Also in terms of sound effects once the music quietens down, it is replaced with metal creaking and howling wind and a lack of any living creatures there is instead almost an eerie silence that is filled by these monotonous groans of metal. There is also a change in the music which is completely non-diegetic and creates quite an ominous feeling which i feel is another example of parallel sound.
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