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Showing posts from December, 2023

Film & TV Language index

Film Poster Analysis: Mise-En-Scene Analysis: Mise-En-Scene recreation  task and  learner  response: Lighting Analysis: Sound Analysis: Sound:Parallel and Contrapuntal feedback and learner response: Cinematography blog task: Cinematography video task and LR: Editing...

Editing blog task

Your final analytical blog task is to find a film or television clip on YouTube that you feel has been edited in a distinctive way and write a 750 word analysis of the clip. Shawn of the dead (2004) 0:01 - 2:50  1800~ Words (Should be a good read) Starting with editing the scene that begins the sequence of events within this clip starts off with a few straight cuts create juxtaposition that establish the main character and links the eyesight of the protagonist ‘Shawn’ to a board on the wall which helps establish that what’s written on there is significant to him and specifically enables the audience to gain a grasp and some context behind Shawn as a character and then the its edited in a way in which the camera straight cuts to someone laying on the couch with Shawn in the back. This establishes a connection between him and the character as being close as we as an audience can assume they are friends due to the request made by the man laying on the couch. After this scene a lon...

Editing video feedback and learner response

1) Type up your feedback/comments from your teacher. A lot of credit here - excellent match on action / continuity editing at the start with strong shot / reverse shot. Follows 180 degree rule Superb narrative but think the dialogue could have kept it serious - no need to play it for laughs. ending was genuinely funny and hugely entertaining but still think this could have been a stunning serious sequence on its own! a couple of continuity errors - Jump cut when first seeing mask Brilliant use of audio - sound design outstanding  2) Type up your feedback from fellow students. Great match on action Whispering Camera shots Mr Harrison 180 rule Great music Continuity error- mask jump cut Funny/ Great narrative 3) Now reflect on your video. Did you meet the brief and successfully include the three key editing aspects we have learned? I think that I had met the brief in spirit entirely only due to the fact that there was no second character but was replaced with a talking mask which in ...

Editing Practical Video