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Mark: 6 Grade: C Comments for AQA:   This is a clear statement of intent that offers a good concept that matches the music video / music magazine brief. It targets the specified audience appropriately and shows a certain authority with regards to industry contexts. Media language elements are considered although perhaps lacking specific details in places. It is not clear exactly what the three-minute video will include aside from certain camera shots and a VHS video effect. Narrative isn’t entirely clear.  Representation is weaker and keeps this from the top levels. Brief mention of youth and London but not developed. Application of theory and discussion of stereotypes could push this towards the higher levels. Audience is addressed impressively with audience pleasures a particular strength. Application of more audience theory could push this to the top level. Digital convergence is touched on in print sectio...
Recent posts

Statement of Intent

This week, we need to write and submit a second draft of our Statement of Intent that will be marked and given feedback in terms of a current level and approximate grade. The Statement of Intent is worth 10 of the 60 marks so if we want A/A* we'll need something close to full marks on this component.    One important point to remember is that your Statement of Intent is what you are planning to do - so it must be written in the future tense ('I will...' rather than 'I have...') This is not an evaluation but instead a written account of what you intend to produce. You need to submit the second draft of your Statement of Intent as a NEW blog post AND email or share a version from Microsoft Word / Google Docs with your coursework teacher. Statement of Intent guidance is provided by AQA in their NEA Student Booklet but we strongly recommend you also look at our Statement of Intent questions to consider document too (you'll need to log in with your Greenford Googl...

Music video pre-production

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Preliminary exercise learner response

1) Type up your teacher's feedback in full plus a summary of the comments you received from other students in the class. • Loads to credit here – the second half in particular has some brilliant moments. The ‘golden hour’ sunshine and timing/lighting is beautiful – did you try a bit of slow motion in there too?  • Opening shot/performance element is largely well-synched but not sure on framing and location. Can you re-shoot in a rehearsal studio? Could you get a band behind you? This could make a real difference.  • Footwear shot is great! I would cross-cut between the two sections though? • Think about how to end up with the 3 minutes – I wonder if you do need the opening?  • Needed brand identity of your artist in there – that was part of the brief for the preliminary exercise. 2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and the feedback you were given, write three WWW bullet points and three EBI bullet points for your work. WWW: I had crea...

Preliminary exercise: Research and planning

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Ignite presentation learner response

1) Type up your feedback   in full   including the ratings out of five for each of the categories.  Research - 5 music video - 4 language - 4 representations - 3 audience and industry - 5 delivery - 5 Total - 26 Superb, confident introduction - love the key words/ideas that sum up the video. description of the video in terms of tone, colour is lovely. Converse sponsor perfect too Nostalgia culture concept is excellent, perhaps a little too much text on screen but linking to representation works really well. Camera shots - all fair points but for statement of intent you'll need to discuss actual shots and their meaning. clear thought into casting, costume, colour grading excellent planning audience addressed impressively across multiple slides including demographics and pleasures industry contexts spot on - clearly researched and brilliantly justified love the magazine title! not much planning beyond that element but I like the honesty and there is also limited time in the...