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Preliminary exercise
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Preliminary exercise: Research and planning

1) State the song you have chosen for your preliminary exercise. Wake me up when September ends - Green day 2) Choose at least three music videos similar to your concept and watch a clip or more from each. Make bullet-point notes on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene .  camerawork:  fast paced cuts - matching beat of song performance - microphone  close ups on certain objects e.g drum kit Actor focus - clear that friends editing: orange teal / grey dark / natural colour grading match on action/sound  mise-en-scene: costumes - streetwear lighting - natural + floodlights and low key lighting Limited actors performing in video Roads, Park, Public spaces 3) Write a short music video treatment for your extract (this is basically a script for your music video). You can find an example of a treatment here. If you are making your real coursework then feel free to use the treatment from your summer project. Artist walks into frame stepping up on a curb wit

Ignite presentation learner response

1) Type up your feedback   in full   including the ratings out of five for each of the categories.  Research - 5 music video - 4 language - 4 representations - 3 audience and industry - 5 delivery - 5 Total - 26 Superb, confident introduction - love the key words/ideas that sum up the video. description of the video in terms of tone, colour is lovely. Converse sponsor perfect too Nostalgia culture concept is excellent, perhaps a little too much text on screen but linking to representation works really well. Camera shots - all fair points but for statement of intent you'll need to discuss actual shots and their meaning. clear thought into casting, costume, colour grading excellent planning audience addressed impressively across multiple slides including demographics and pleasures industry contexts spot on - clearly researched and brilliantly justified love the magazine title! not much planning beyond that element but I like the honesty and there is also limited time in the ignite fo

Radio Index

Summer project

1) Research: music videos You need to write a 150-word close-textual analysis of SIX music videos that will inform your production work. The music videos you analyse are up to you but focus on a different aspect of media language for each one (see guidance below).   Music Video 1: Narrative How is narrative used in the music video and what impact does this have on the audience? Can you apply any narrative theories to the story in the music video? The great escape - Boys like girls The narrative is the backbone to the music video and links heavily with the lyrics of the song, this is clearly denoted from the lyrics that imply the need to escape a small town and heavily emphasises the importance of youth and knowing what's best for oneself as seen by the main cast of the music video who leave their mundane normal lives to travel the road and go to a concert which impacts the audience as they are perceiving these people as living how they want to and creates empathy and even being rel

War of the Worlds

1) What is the history and narrative behind War of the Worlds? Orson Welles’ radio adaption of War of the Worlds has become notable not for the broadcast itself but for the reaction it received, and the subsequent press reporting of the audience’s reaction to the broadcast. It is often highlighted as an early example of mass hysteria caused by the media and used to support various audience theories. 2) When was it first broadcast and what is the popular myth regarding the reaction from the audience? Broadcast live on 30th October 1938, popular myth has it that thousands of New Yorkers fled their homes in panic, and all across America people crowded the streets to witness for themselves the real space battle between earth and the Martians. The Trenton Police Department (close to the site of the fictional invasion) received over 2000 calls in less than two hours, while the New York Times switchboard received 875 calls from concerned listeners wanting to know where they would be safe. Suc